Composer/Modules/Menu Board

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Its configuration is divided in two major categories: Design and Data. As the name says, the Design tab handles all that's related to the design of the layout of the menu board with the possibility of saving that style to use with other menu boards. The Data tab holds only the data in the cells, which includes the images. This data can be imported as well as exported to a file.

The Design Tab

Menu Board design tab


Configuration of the layout involves the background, title, header, image and table body. All the components but the table body can be disabled.


Background configuration


Independent of the background type, it's always possible to configure the margins.


This option is almost the same as not having the background enabled. The only difference is that the margins can still be applied this way.
Solid Colour
Sets a background colour with the option of adding more or less opacity, add round corners and specifying a border. The border can be enabled or disabled and have a specific thickness, colour and opacity.
Linear Gradient
This option is similar to the Solid Colour with the difference that can be applied a gradient. The gradient implies adding a second colour with a dedicated transparency setting as well as the angle of the gradient.
Allows setting an image background. The image can be scaled to fit or stretch and be aligned vertically and horizontally. The border and corners can also be configured the same way they are when using Solid Colour.


Instead of having round corners, it's possible to add round corners by setting the corner radius.


A border can be activated and configured with a specific width, color, and opacity.


Title configuration


Height is self explanatory, it controls the height of the title. The bottom spacing is the space between the title and the next enabled component. So, if a component is disabled, the configuration will still have the same effect.


Here you can configure the font like any regular text editor. If the horizontal alignment is left or right, indentation will become enabled so the component doesn't have to be in the edge of the component. It's also possible to configure vertical alignment but in this case it's not possible to add a vertical indentation. The size is automatic by default so it has the maximum size that fits in the component.

Background, Corners and Line

The background, corner and line are configured the same way as in the Background component.


It's possible to add a shadow to the component with the configurable options being angle, blur, distance, colour and opacity.

Header Row

Header Row configuration

The Header Row component has the same configurations as the Title component with the exception of the font. The horizontal alignment done in this component is handled in the Table Body component.


Image configuration


There are 2 types of image layout. In line means the image will be within the row, as if it was a regular cell. When big is chosen, only the image of the first row will appear occupying the whole image column. Also, when big is selected, the option spacing becomes enabled to configure the space between the image and the rest of the table.

The horizontal alignment can be configured with the option position.


The scale mode scales the image in three different ways. Fit keeps the aspect ratio and scales the image in a way that it's all visible. Fill scales the image so it occupies the whole area keeping the aspect ratio. Stretch fills the whole area but displays the whole image by not forcing to keep the aspect ratio.

Corners and Line

Corners and line can be configured the same way it's configured in the Background component.


Shadow can be configured the same way as in the Title component

Table Body

Table Body configuration


Define the number of rows each screen will present, the vertical gap between rows and the time each slide will present before it passes to the next one.


Enable or disable the description in the rows. If enabled, configurable values are the height and the top spacing relative to the description.


Enable or disable the reference column as well as configure the cell width.

Extra Columns

Add or remove extra columns. These columns are dynamic and have all the same (configurable) width. Removing columns here will not delete the data that is stored in the Data tab.


All fonts are individually handled, so you can configure fonts for the description, extra columns, details and reference separately. Each one of them can be configured as in the Title component

Background, Corners and Line

The background, corner and line are configured the same way as in the Background component.


Shadow can be configured the same way as in the Title component.


All the work done in the design tab can be saved as a style for posterior use. All saved styles are accessible even when switching projects. This feature only applies to the Design portion of the Menu Board, not the Data.

It's also possible to export the style to a file to be imported on another computer or to save as a backup.

When a style is selected it is instantly applied. To revert the style application use the reset button. That will reset to the style that was applied before entering the Styles screen.

The Data Tab

Menu Board data tab


Use the title field to set the title.


To add content use the "Add line" to add a row and double click the cell to edit its value. See Images to know how to add images to a row.


To add images to a row go to the right section and click the button with tree dots (...). Select an image from the hard drive to add it to the selected row.


It's possible to import exported files as well as files with CSV format. Use delimiter field to tell which delimiter is used in the provided CSV file. If the file has the columns with a title in the first row, tick the "First row as header?" field. The Menu Board is also able to grab the specified file periodically. To do so, tick the "Periodic" field and specify the time interval at which the Menu Board will get the file. That way you can update the data by just changing the file. Note that, when "Periodic" is selected, only CSV files are allowed and the path to the images must be absolute.

Use the "Export data" button to export the data to be used in another Menu Board.
